We are delighted to announce that the Annual General Meetings for both Aire Valley Rail Users Group (AVRUG) and Friends of the Airedale Line (FoAL) will be taking place on Saturday April 29th in Saltaire, at the Methodist Church, which is on the corner of Saltaire Road and George Street, just five minutes walk from Saltaire railway station.
The meeting will start at 1pm with the usual AGM business of Chair & Treasurers Reports, the Election of Committee Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Newsletter editor and Membership Secretary), plus the election of the committee members.
There will be light refreshments served at 2pm. Following the break we will be joined by Darren Allsopp, the new Stakeholder Manager at Northern, who will update us on developments at Northern.
We hope you will be able to join us and we would very much like to hear your comments on local rail services.
We look forward to seeing on the 29th April in Saltaire.